Sunday, April 11, 2010

Super Duper Awesome Magic Machine Cast List (all taken)

UPDATE 6/2/10:

**All parts have been taken. Look forward to the video!**

I now have more than one person who will be in it! This list will be updated every time someone joins.

The Advertiser: BriannaCHM (me)

Super Duper Awesome Magic Machine: IzMeAkitiz

The Person: Alizzae

Miley Cyrus: sakudastar

Robert Pattinson: purplebutterfly156

Dead Twilight Fangirls (at least two or three are needed): sakudastar, BriannaCHM, Kylea

(I just remembered that there are a few other roles, but they can be played by someone who's already playing someone else)

UPDATE 4/23/10:

I added more parts to the script (click here to read more about that), so new characters were added. And I'm going to refer to people in my class, so if you see a name you don't recognize, don't worry about it.

None of these characters are TOTALLY open, 'cause I have people in mind for each of them... But still, don't be afraid to ask me about it at school if you're interested.

Twilight-Obsessed Girl: sakudastar

Gangsta: Isaiah

Wei Li: IzMeAkitiz. Yeah, Akitiz, I put the real you in it. Whether you like it or not, you have an extra role. And you get to say your catchphrase. (Although, you haven't been saying it as much anymore)


Character whose gender doesn't matter (kinda like The Person)/Future Emo: RachelleNJonas

Filming by: Monse

M'kay, those are all the characters. Remember, just ask me at school if you're interested!

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